SMÄLTANDE is a multidisciplinary project with its main focus to bring awareness on the rapid disappearance of snow. Due to global warming there is less and less snow in the winters, all over the globe. What used to be the season of complete white-outs and impeccable minimalistic scenery, will turn into a grey oblivion of rain and darkness.
This project is built up out of 2 sub projects; a short movie & a full length, sight specific circus show. The main initiators of this project are Luuk Brantjes and Joel Roxendal, two circus artists who graduated from DOCH University of dance and Circus. Each of them has their own relation and experience with the subject.
This short film is made in collaboration with Isak Stockås, a Swedish filmographer. For a week the crew toured through the Swedish countryside, in search of snowy fields and frozen lakes. They captured the beauty of these places, as an homage to that what may not be there anymore in the future.
Joel and Luuk will be the storytellers in this film. They will use circus as their language, a universal language that speaks through the body. Using the discipline teeterboard, they will create a piece that is visually beautiful, playful, calming and refreshing. This is their tribute to what we all love so much: SNOW.
The show is set out to be a final tribute to our snowy surroundings. A collective celebration that puts its emphasis on the appreciation of snow. Placed outside in the snow, the show will only be able to tour during the cold winter months. It is a show with a deadline, because at one point global warming will not allow us to play anymore. This show is meant to celebrate the existence of snow, yet also a critical reflection on the selfish behavior of people in the Anthropocene.
Length 40 min
Creation 2022
Location Outdoor, sight specific
Authors and Artists
Luuk Brantjes
Joel Roxendal
Karl Wiberg
Victor Pettersson
This project is supported by Könstnärsnämnden